
Pack Airzone UNO Fancoil 0-10 V Think Wired

Pack Airzone UNO Fancoil 0-10 V Think Wired
Reference AZUN6PF010THC

Pack Airzone UNO for controlling air-to-water individual units and wired communications with the thermostat. It includes:

  • Wired Fan coil 0-10 V Airzone UNO main control board.
  • Wired Airzone Think thermostat.
  • Airzone bus cable 10 m.


  • Input for detection of open windows.
  • Input for detection of presence.
  • Probe input.
  • Two electro-valve control relays for demand.
  • 0-10 V output for fan control.
  • Automatic speed control based on the temperature differential. 
  • Thermostat available in Spanish, English, French, Italian, German and Portuguese.
  • Control of temperature, operation mode and speed.
  • Room temperature and relative humidity measurement of the zone.
  • Sleep function.
