Flexa 25 for radiators

Airzone's smart zoning solution now also for radiator control

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Why Flexa 25 for radiators?

Flexa 25 is also suitable for your building's central heating. Airzone wireless thermostatic heads allow you to zone your radiator heating system. A wireless, Plug&Play solution.

Now you can control all your zones independently with a single integrated system.



  • Independent

  • Time

  • Remote

  • Weather

  • Integration with
    home automation

Advantages of Flexa 25 for radiators

Compared to a non-zoned system

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  • Control of the room temperature in each zone.

  • Safety functions: anti-freezing, anti-scale and child lock.

  • Savings in operating costs.

  • Efficient control and management of production units such as boilers and recirculation pumps.

Where can Flexa 25 for radiators be applied?

Installation of Flexa 25 for air-to-water heat pumps

Elements of the Flexa 25 system for radiators

Enjoy all the advantages of the Flexa 25 system with just 3 components: electronic elements, Airzone interfaces and Airzone Cloud Webserver

Electronic elements

These allow zoned control of up to 8 zones and 10 wireless thermostatic heads.

Outstanding characteristics

User interfaces compatible with Flexa 25 for radiators

Airzone Cloud app
Smartphone - Tablet - Computer

The Airzone Cloud Webserver allows you to control all the functions of your Airzone system with the apps available for Android and iOS or through airzonecloud.com.

Control Flexa 25 with Airzone Cloud

Other Flexa 25 applications

A fully integrated solution

HVAC systems are a particularly difficult subsystem to integrate into home automation systems. That's why Flexa 25 is designed as an integration tool that offers full HVAC management from the Airzone Cloud mobile app, a Smart Home system or a building management system (BMS).

A fully integrated solution

Smart heating control

Radiator heating has advantages such as speed of heat transmission, speed of response and safety. Radiators controlled by the Airzone thermostatic head become an even more efficient system, with very high performance thanks to the control of different temperatures.

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1 Applicable if the system has an Webserver Airzone Cloud.