

I cannot associate a wireless thermostat

If you cannot associate a wireless thermostat, run the following checks:

First check whether the system's main control board is operating properly. To do so, check the behavior of all its self-diagnostic LED.

If the status of the main control board's LED is correct, check that the wireless association channel is open. This is indicated by LED D19 (red) being lit. If the LED is off, it is necessary to open the wireless module by pressing SW1 on the main control board or in the Wireless module parameter in the System advanced settings menu, zone parameters.

If the thermostat still cannot be associated, there may be a coverage problem. Bring the thermostat closer to the main control board and try to associate it again. If this time it is associated, it will be necessary relocate the thermostat which had no coverage.

If the thermostat cannot be associated, try associating another thermostat in that same area. If the association is possible this time, the problem seems to be located in the thermostat. If no thermostats can be associated to the main control board, the problem resides in the main control board.

As a final test, restart the entire system and reassociate it to discount hardware problems (How do I reset the entire system?).

If the problems persist, get in touch with the Technical Support Department.