Airzone Cloud Airzone Cloud Airzone Cloud

Airzone Cloud

Airzone Cloud is the solution that connects HVAC systems to the digital world. Thanks to the combination of the Airzone Webserver, cloud technology and the Airzone Cloud mobile app, users have complete control of their installation from anywhere and at any time.

The complete control experience


Adapt the app's look and feel to your needs. Create personalised scenes for the system to manage air-conditioning based on your preferences.


View all data on air quality, consumption, weather and scenes.


The Airtools tool monitors system parameters in real time to report possible malfunctions.

Customization Widgets Airtools
Airzone Cloud application Airzone Cloud application

Airzone Cloud application

The Airzone Cloud mobile app transforms the user's smartphone into an enhanced controller for their HVAC installation. Additional functions include indoor air quality monitoring, energy consumption measurements and weather forecasts. See the privacy policy of our app.

Voice control

Voice control

Thanks to the Airzone Cloud solution, HVAC systems can be integrated with voice controllers such as Amazon Alexa, Google Assistant and SmartThings. Control options are defined by the intelligence of the controller: on/off, mode change, temperature change, scene execution in conjunction with other integrated devices. Extended control options are available in the Airzone Cloud mobile app.

Anytime, anywhere

Airzone Cloud adds to an HVAC system one of the functionalities most valued by users at the moment: connectivity. The ability to check and control the status of the installation at any time, from anywhere, offers the ability to manage the levels of comfort, consumption and air quality of a home, office or business.

  • On/Off

  • Temperature

  • Selection
    of mode

  • Advanced

  • Air

  • Time

  • Eco-Adapt

  • Remote

  • Weather

Airzone Webserver

Airzone Webserver

The Airzone Webserver allows users to control multi-zone systems from anywhere using the Airzone Cloud app, turning a computer or a smartphone into the air-conditioning installation's control interface. Aidoo controllers perform the same function for individual units. Both devices become the gateways to access the remote assistance provided by Airzone.

Remote assistance

Remote assistance

Both Airzone Webserver and Aidoo devices deliver the possibility of obtaining remote technical support and updates. This substantially reduces installation, configuration and troubleshooting times, not to mention maintenance costs, while also improving customer satisfaction.
Discover Airzone Cloud compatible thermostats

Discover Airzone Cloud compatible thermostats

Airzone thermostats are an essential part of the system, as they are responsible for measuring the comfort variables of the zone. They also act as local control interfaces to offer users greater convenience in managing their zone. The different thermostat models respond to specific installation and usage needs: wired or wireless, with full or limited control.

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